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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rain , rain go away!

Well maybe not, as a former white water paddler rain make for a great spring for paddling. A great opportunity to get a little exercise and enjoy what Mother Nature has given us. Isn’t funny how much we all complain about the rain? I will agree it would be nice if we could control when it come and in what quantities it comes in, and yet if it does not come we are still complaining how we need the rain. So I’m making a new resolution to enjoy each day for what it brings. To be thankful for the wells that are being replenished with the rain, the fact I do not have to go out and water my gardens and most of all to be grateful to have clean water to drink. I am also happy to see many paddling friends enjoying a little fun out on the rivers.

This time of year the rain brings spring flowers, and if your gardens aren’t pushing peddles and budding up it will be soon. Of course that’s assuming you have a garden. Now is the time to look at what you’ve got and plan what you need to make next year’s spring garden all it can be. I recommend creating a garden journal it's a great tool to use for good garden designing. Buy a note book with graph paper pages. This allows you to easily sketch up your gardens to scale and locate what you have in your gardens. Label what you have for plants your plans and list it on the side of you sketch what the plants are. Look at where you could use additional color and texture. Do this in the spring, again in the summer and one last time in the fall. Creating a gardening journal will help with the planning process to creating a beautiful garden? Best of all if you’re not into white water paddling garden designing is an enjoyable project for a rainy day.

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