No the title of this blog is not one of my typical spelling errors! Canstruction is a nonprofit group who hold an annual completion’s to raise awareness of the plight of our communities food banks. It’s mission:” To engage, amaze and inspire the community to work together raising canned food to feed hundreds of thousands of hungry people.” This group has reach out to our design communities to submit entries from around the world. The object is to create a sculpture made from cans of food. After the competition the all the cans are donated to a local food bank. For additional information and photo's of the the international awards and a design treat go to: http://www.canstruction.org/photo-gallery/international-competition-winners. All I can say is don’t underestimate the mind of a creative thinker!

Maine’s upcoming Canstruction will be help in Biddeford on October 22 through November 4. The sculptures can be seen throughout the downtown area, with awards being given on October 28. For more information on Maine’s competition check out http://www.feedtheengine.org.
Canstruction is the type of activities that makes helping others a true pleasure!
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