Green, Sustainable, Healthier, Great designs for Maine living, both inside and outside for work and home for all to enjoy!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

10 Myths About Sustainability

One of my favorite website sites for good common cents green design is Low Impact Living. This week is a great article on the 10 Myths About Sustainability. Check out the full article which explains each of the 10 myths at

10 Myths About Sustainability.

Myth 1: Nobody knows what sustainability really means.
Myth 2: Sustainability is all about the environment
Myth 3: “Sustainable” is a synonym for “green”
Myth 4: It’s all about recycling
Myth 5: Sustainability is too expensive
Myth 6: Sustainability means lowering our standard of living
Myth 7: Consumer choices and grassroots activism, not government intervention, offer the fastest, most efficient routes to sustainability
Myth 8: New technology is always the answer
Myth 9: Sustainability is ultimately a population problem
Myth 10: Once you understand the concept, living sustainably is a breeze to figure out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "10 Myths About Sustainability" was a great short and to the point article. The photo in Myth #8 looked like the solar project you helped me with on my building in Augusta.


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